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Genny invite you to visit her reviewwed website:
She is watching you from inside a picture in her "biography".
The strange aircraft
It was just before Christmas, the Benjamin Franklin, the biggest aircraft carrier, was navigating in the North Pacific. One day, not a special day, but one like most of the days, no more no less; in short a routine day, there occurred a very strange event. I want to tell you, just how a witness told me, one night at the “White Fox Bar” in Inuvik.
Jim November was the chief of the BF gangway. He was on duty the evening of December 24, 1989. All the aircrafts (after their mission) were getting back and landing, one by one, with a muffle noise on the carrier. At 8.30 pm, all the planes had landed, except one. John Googlegum’s aircraft was missing ! It was always the same thing with John and Jim thought that he might give him another, although last, warning. His explanations were always the same: “Sorry Sir, but just before arriving, I saw something strange and I wanted to see and check it.”
Jim was looking in the darkness of the sky and saw the lights of the plane. John’s aircraft landed at 9.07 pm. Jim was furious and decided to bawl out at this undisciplined boy. So he went to the plane quickly, when John came to a halt. But then he glanced into the cabin, his heart stopped. John wasn’t there !
In his place was sitting an old smiling man, with a beautiful white beard, dressed in red clothes. It was zany ! John thought he was dreaming. He was standing with his mouth wide open, unable to say one single word and suddenly he heard the sound of little bells, not far from him. Jim turned round and saw John landing in a fairytale sled, led by twelve beautiful reindeers. He went to his aircraft and helped Father Christmas to get out of it. “ How was it ?” said John, “Whahooouuu ! dramatic, fabulous, unbelievable, amazing, great and breathtaking thank you. Did you like my herd of reindeers ?” “I’ve always dreamed of leading a sled like yours, I’m very happy, thanks a lot and give Mother Christmas a big kiss. See you soon.” “Thanks my friend I won’t forget it, bye, I’m late and I’ve a lot of things to do, children are waiting me.” And as if nothing happened, Father Christmas disappeared in the holly night and John parked his plane, smiling and very happy.
“You know what” said Jim to me. “This story is true and you must believe me.” Yes I do, because I met Father Christmas last year when I was walking in a very deep forest in the Yukon county, he was lost and I gave him the right direction to go to Dawson City for giving presents at wise and nice children.
Moral of the story: If you want to be happy in your life, try to believe in Father Christmas and fairies and you will see life and people with other eyes.
YD/Geneva December 2006
Yves et Geneviève